There is a growing trend amongst Indian investors to capitalise on Mutual Funds (MFs) lately. Mutual Funds are the cheapest and safest instruments to speed up wealth creation over the years. An investor cannot be charged more than 2.75% (approx.) by an MF scheme as per Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) guidelines.
While investing in an MF scheme, an investor bequeaths her/his wealth in able hands of expert fund managers with tremendous experience in markets. Moreover, owing to stringent regulations in MF sector in India, the fraudulent practices are lesser.
Investing in an MF scheme for long period also rewards higher returns as compare to a riskier instrument. Financial experts say that patient investors reap maximum rewards in MFs. Investing in MFs can surely help a financier beat inflation. It is advisable to invest in MFs to accelerate wealth creation.
While investing in an MF scheme, an investor bequeaths her/his wealth in able hands of expert fund managers with tremendous experience in markets. Moreover, owing to stringent regulations in MF sector in India, the fraudulent practices are lesser.
Investing in an MF scheme for long period also rewards higher returns as compare to a riskier instrument. Financial experts say that patient investors reap maximum rewards in MFs. Investing in MFs can surely help a financier beat inflation. It is advisable to invest in MFs to accelerate wealth creation.
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