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Wednesday, 17 December 2014

There is a growing trend amongst Indian investors to capitalise on Mutual Funds (MFs) lately. Mutual Funds are the cheapest and safest instruments to speed up wealth creation over the years. An investor cannot be charged more than 2.75% (approx.) by an MF scheme as per Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) guidelines.

While investing in an MF scheme, an investor bequeaths her/his wealth in able hands of expert fund managers with tremendous experience in markets. Moreover, owing to stringent regulations in MF sector in India, the fraudulent practices are lesser.

Investing in an MF scheme for long period also rewards higher returns as compare to a riskier instrument. Financial experts say that patient investors reap maximum rewards in MFs. Investing in MFs can surely help a financier beat inflation. It is advisable to invest in MFs to accelerate wealth creation.

For further information click on the link: http://goo.gl/2BxqJt
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Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Why do you need a Life Insurance cover – to give you returns over the years ahead or to cover your life in the unfortunate event of your demise? Experts vary in their opinions, so do the man on the street. With every Indian Life Insurance company heavily promoting their Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIP), which are a combination of investment and risk coverage, it isn’t wrong if a layman feels that a Life Insurance cover is mainly meant for generating inflation beating returns.

But is that all about  a life cover?

Have you ever thought how your spouse will pay the EMIs on your outstanding home loan if you pass away tomorrow? Or for that matter, how your kids will complete their education in your absence? This is where the importance of a Life Insurance policy comes into play.

If your life is adequately covered, you can go about your days in peace that your family will never bear the burden of your loss financially.

Do you have the right cover?

Life Insurance experts say that for a young man, the Life Insurance cover should be ideally 10 times his Annual Income plus the liabilities (outstanding home loan, car loan and so on). Once you have decided your Life Insurance cover, what you need to do is to login to any of the portals of Life Insurance companies and check the Term Insurance premium calculator.

Term Insurance is the cheapest form of Insurance in India and covers only your life. In other words, a simple Term Insurance policy does not have a Maturity value. However, in case you wish to have decent returns on Maturity date, Life Insurance companies also sell Term Insurance policies which give you back the premium paid by you along with a reasonable interest.

Misfortunes can happen anytime. Check Term Insurance premium calculator today and get yourself covered. Don’t your near and dear ones matter to you?
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Tuesday, 9 December 2014

If there is one mantra for retiring rich, it would be – start small and early. The earlier you start saving and investing money, the higher will be the corpus.

Still doubtful?

Let’s consider the case of 30-year-old Ravi. Assuming he saves and further invests Rs. 5,000 every month for the next 30 years, his corpus at age 60 will be around Rs. 3.6 crore! (Assuming returns of 15 %).

A CRISIL study found out that Equity Mutual Funds have even given annualized returns of 23% over the last 17 years, thus even beating the CNX Nifty in terms of annualized returns by 10%.

Now, consider the case of Mohan, who is 20 years old. Assume he also saves and further invests Rs. 5,000 till he turns 60, i.e, for 40 years. Can you imagine what his corpus will be on retirement? It will be around Rs. 15. 70 crore. (Assuming 15% returns). This can be easily calculated by the Power of Compounding Calculator.

At retirement, Mohan will be richer than Ravi by Rs. 12 crore because of the power of compounding. Albert Einstein even termed this power of compounding as the eighth wonder of the world. He further said that those who understand this power earn money, and those who don’t, pay for it.

Which category do you want to belong to?

Decide how much money you can save every month, login to the portals of any leading Financial Services company and check their Power of Compounding Calculator and further invest in any of the Mutual Fund schemes of top performing Fund houses.

Let’s not regret during the autumn years.
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Thursday, 4 December 2014

The National Pension Scheme (NPS) is going great guns. At the beginning of October 2014, the scheme had 7.44 million subscribers. Not to be left behind, the Assets under Management (AUM) of National Pension Scheme has risen to Rs. 63,511 crore. With the increasing AUM, the fund managers of the scheme have also changed their approach to equity exposure. Over the last 6 months, the equity exposure has been close to 14% (the maximum permitted exposure is 15%), up from 8% in March 2014.

The sudden shift

One could think as to why the fund managers of National Pension Scheme India are now betting aggressively on equities, while they were playing safe till 6 months back. The media attributes it to the lack of clarity around Mar’ 14. The elections were approaching and the fund managers were unsure of how the stock market will react to the election results. With a new stable Government in place and the Sensex too responding positively, the fund managers of National Pension Scheme decided that the time was ripe to increase the equity exposure.

Returns are pouring

This calendar year, the National Pension Scheme has even beaten the benchmark Nifty in terms of returns. With the regulator, PFRDA, seeking tax sops for NPS, its attraction is only set to increase over the years ahead.

Are you in?

There is a common misconception that National Pension Scheme is only for the Government employees. However, the fact is that from May 1, 2009, this pension scheme was thrown open to all citizens of India, between the age of 18 and 60. In case, you wish to invest in NPS, all it takes is to approach an approved Point of Presence (POP) service provider. The PFRDA has authorized many banks, financial organisations and the Department of Posts to act as POP for National Pension Scheme.

Start your retirement planning at the earliest and what better than National Pension Scheme India to start with.
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Where should one park his/her savings? Invest in Mutual Funds or walk in to the nearest bank to start a fixed deposit?

Most of us will choose a fixed deposit in a scheduled bank over Mutual Fund investment, the simple reason being that the returns from fixed deposits are constant.

It isn’t true

The Fixed deposits in banks might give one close to 9% interest. But when you factor in the rate of inflation, which was 6.5% in the month of September 2014, the actual rate of returns from your investment in Fixed deposits will be less than 3%. Seems astounding?

But what about Mutual Fund investment?

A study by a leading Asset Management Company (AMC) found out that equity funds have given an annualized return of 23% between April 1997 and September 2014. Some growth funds have even given investors annualized returns of 27%. The striking thing to note here is that even investing in CNX Nifty stocks would have only given an investor annualized returns of only 13%.

The retail journey

How will a retail investor get the right advice for Mutual Fund investment? The right advice becomes more crucial in case of investors with limited knowledge of Mutual Funds. Following are some of the factors which you should look in a Mutual Fund distributor before you invest in Mutual Funds:

•    Years of experience of the distributor

•    Capability of the distributor for to service you post your investment

•    Educational qualifications of the Mutual Fund distributor

•    Testimonials from earlier customers of the distributor.

Don’t let your savings earn lower returns by investing in Fixed deposits. Find out a trusted distributor and invest in the best schemes of top performing Mutual Funds.
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Wednesday, 3 December 2014

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Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Of all the Insurance companies, the ones which attract our least attention are the health insurance companies. Though there are stand-alone health insurance companies and General Insurance companies among Financial Services Company in India which sell health insurance policies, the concept of covering ourselves financially against various illnesses is yet to take off in a big way in our country. No wonder, health insurance, as a category of insurance, has the least penetration levels in India.

But the winds of change are blowing

The fact that India has the least health insurance policy penetration extends a huge opportunity for existing General Insurance and stand-alone Health Insurance companies to revamp their health insurance products and marketing structure. Many new Financial Services Company are also mulling venturing into health insurance, considering the huge opportunity which exists. One of the newest entrants to this sector has been the Aditya Birla group.

With the Government of India talking about amending insurance regulations allowing foreign companies to have up to 49% stake in Insurance companies, it is expected that many of the foreign Insurance companies will increase their stake in their Indian ventures.

What is in store for you?

With many new companies on the block offering health insurance products, the customer is set to get the best possible service and claim settlement. And for sure, the health insurance landscape is set to change with more and more Indians getting under the umbrella of health insurance covers.
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Monday, 24 November 2014

Have you sold any property after 3 years of its purchase or are you planning to do so? Then, you are bound to pay long-term Capital gains tax. The most common advice given to residential property sellers to avoid long-term Capital gains tax is to invest the gains in any residential property within 2 years from the date of sale of the property. The alternative advice given is to use this gains to construct another house within 3 years from the date of sale. However, there is a catch – one can invest this Capital gains only in residential property, and not in commercial ones.

Is there a way out?

In case, you are not keen to re-invest the gains in any residential property, the best way to avoid paying Capital gains tax is to invest the profits from the sale of your property into Capital Gain Bonds India. However, the maximum amount you can invest in these bonds is Rs. 50 lakh.

As of now, 2 Capital gain bonds are open for subscription:

•    Capital Gains bonds of National Highways Authority of India (NHAI)
•    Capital Gains bonds of Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd (RECL)

Yes, the coupon rate (interest rate) might only be 6% per annum. But, doesn’t the benefit of not paying the Capital Gains tax outweigh the low interest rate offered? Also, these bonds are 100% risk-free.

Most of the financial service providers, including scheduled banks, allow you to invest in these Capital Gains bonds India through them. Act smart and channelize your long-term Capital gains into these instruments.

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Tuesday, 18 November 2014

It’s 3 cheers for the equity Mutual Fund schemes with 7 lakh folios added in this financial year.

As per the Securities and Exchange Board of India’s data on investor accounts with 45 fund houses, the number of equity folios have risen from 2,91,80,922 to 2,9917,974 in October end. This proves a net gain of 7,37,052 folios from April to October.

With the first rise in the month of April, after four years, the additions have come at a time when the market was at a new high. On the other hand, the equity Mutual Funds sector has continuously seen a low since 2009 when the markets had crashed. Since March 2009, the sector has seen a closure of a whopping 1.5 crore folios (numbers designated to individual investor accounts).

To know more, Read here- 
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Monday, 3 November 2014

Investors in stock markets and Mutual Funds have been a happier lot over the last year with both of the investment avenues generating good returns. But are these the only investor class who are celebrating?

Well, investors in tax-free bonds have got their own reasons to cheer too. Tax-free bonds issued in 2013 and earlier have clocked returns up to 25%.

The 20-year tax-free bond from the National Housing Bank (NHB), issued at Rs. 5, 000 almost a year back is now being quoted at Rs. 6,225 (returns of 24.5%). Same has been the case with other bonds issued around the same time.

What’s the reason for the success story?
The main reason for the big time returns from the tax-free bonds is attributed to the lack of new tax-free bonds in this year’s budget. Also, the revised tax rules for debt-mutual funds had more HNIs investing in these bonds.

Should you sell your bonds now? Click here to know the answer and access the entire report:
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Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Recently, many of the Asset Management Companies increased the exit load on redemption of units for tenures ranging from 1 to 3 years. The fund houses which increased the exit loads include the big ones like UTI Mutual Fund, Axis Mutual Fund, HDFC Mutual Fund and Birla Sun Life. The increase in exit load has been in the range of 0.5% to 2% and has been spread across equity as well as debt schemes and even balanced funds.

The regular large scale churning of portfolios is any fund manager’s headache. Some estimate that AMCs have lost 10 to 15 million folios over the last 5 years. By this increased exit load, the fund houses are obviously trying to deter short-term investors.

Will this new development benefit you?

The answer depends on the schemes you wish to invest. If you plan to invest in a diversified scheme, it is always better to stay invested for a long time. However, if your choice is a sector fund, the increased exit load might not help you. The performance of many sectors are cyclical and perform exceptionally well during certain periods. So, it makes sense for many investors to move out of sector funds once it has performed well. But with the increased exit loads, you might think twice before exiting a sector fund.

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Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Before we begin discussing how to plan a successful retirement, we need to understand why we need to take our retirement into our own hands in the first place. This may seem like a trivial question, but you might be surprised to learn that the key components of retirement planning run contrary to popular belief about the best way to save for the future. Further, proper implementation of those key components is essential in guaranteeing a financially secure retirement.

Planning for retirement? But not sure about how much you might need in your sunset years to maintain the same life style as current? And that includes savings for medical emergencies, traveling and leisure activities. Unless you know how much money you might need for surviving the constantly rising cost of living, and that too without a steady income, can be horrendous task to ponder about. This is why, every financial advisor suggests to plan your retirement as soon as you start earning as this helps you to build good corpus with less premium or investments.

People’s retirement needs vary greatly, but everyone will have basic expenditures: home maintenance or rent, transportation, medical care and living expenses.  This planning requires taking a lot of factors into consideration, such as what age do you hope to retire in, how much money you might require to cover the basic living expenses, how much money might be used for doing the things you plan to do after you have retired and so on. But the biggest question remains; where will the money come from? For determining all this and more, the use of a pension plan calculator is sure to come in very handy.

Many reputed financial services company offer pension plan calculator on their websites to identify and help you plan your retirement. But every planning should lead to execution, and if one start saving at-least a little amount from his early days of career, a lump-sum corpus can be build within 20 – 25 years of time-frame. You can also take a help of any reputed investment service provider company.
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Thursday, 9 October 2014

Saving and investing for future financial security is a top priority for every individual. For many of us, increasingly busy lifestyle and lack of knowledge prove to be a hindrance in choosing the right investment product.

Mutual funds investment plans offer professional investment management for such individuals at an affordable cost. They are also considered as the hand-off and more safer way of entering the high risk equity market. We make investments to ensure that our savings enhance our ability to reach our goals.

A beginner can get confused while choosing the best Mutual Fund Investment Plan, as he can not differentiate between various types of Mutual Funds with fancy names. Mutual Funds can be classified into various categories under the following heads:-

While launching a new scheme, every Mutual Fund is supposed to declare in the prospectus the kind of instruments in which it will make investments of the funds collected under that scheme. Thus, the various kinds of Mutual Fund schemes as categorized according to the type of investments are as follows :-

(a) Equity Funds/ Schemes
(b) Debt Funds / Schemes   (also called Income Funds)
(c ) Diversifies Funds/ Schemes(Also called Balanced Funds)
(d) Gilt Fund/ Schemes
(e) Money Market Funds / Schemes
(f) Sector Specific Funds
(g) Index Funds

Goal Based Investment: If you have a short tenure, picking debt funds is a good option. For investors with medium tenure, balance funds which have exposure to both debt and equity are a good option. Long term investors can opt for more exposure to equity. You can also contact Investment Services Provider company, who can help you achieve your investment in sync with the tenure of the goal.

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Thinking of a deferred annuity or retirement plan to meet your retirement expenses? Many are under the impression that pension plans are only sold by life insurers. Even though most of us would have heard of National Pension Scheme India, it is commonly thought that this scheme is only for the Government employees, which is far from the truth.

From May 1, 2009, National Pension Scheme India was thrown open to all citizens of India, between the age of 18 and 60. But has it attracted interest among the common man?

It seems the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) has also taken note of this development. Recently, they set up an expert committee under the former SEBI chief, G.N. Bajpai, to review investment guidelines for the National Pension Scheme India, other than for Government employees. This has been done to make the National Pension Scheme India more attractive. This panel, expected to submit its report in 6 weeks, might recommend changes or even new schemes. So, expect better schemes and returns to come out of the kitty of National Pension Scheme India.

With AUM of more than Rs. 58,000 crore, National Pension Scheme India, with more schemes and plans, would be an ideal place to start your retirement planning with.

How to invest in National Pension Scheme India?

Investing in National Pension Scheme India is not a tedious task. All it takes is to approach an approved Point of Presence (POP) service provider. The PFRDA has authorized many banks, financial organisations and the Department of Posts to act as POP for National Pension Scheme India. The highly transparent schemes and simple to operate rules make National Pension Scheme India more alluring for the man on the street.

It’s never too late to start retirement planning. Walk in to the nearest POP of National Pension Scheme India and get ready for your autumn years.
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Monday, 29 September 2014

Is it possible to have a Rs. 1 crore corpus on retirement? Want to live life king-size in your autumn years?

Then start early and embrace systematic investment planning. The power of systematic investment planning lies in compounding. Rs. 1,000 saved and invested every month for 20 years can make you richer by approximately Rs. 17.60 lakh. But do you know what will be the corpus if the same amount of money is invested regularly over 30 years? You will be wealthier by approximately Rs. 94.90 lakh. Seems interesting?

How can you start on systematic investment planning?

The best way to get started on systematic investment planning is by choosing any of the leading Mutual Fund houses, you can also take help of reputed investment service provider which can link your SIP's with retirement or financial goals. A SIP allows you to conveniently invest a fixed amount every month in the fund of your choice.

One needn’t worry as to how one will transfer a fixed amount every month to the Mutual Fund company or Asset Management Company. You can leave a standing instruction for them to auto-debit the money from your bank account. The entire process of transferring money for systematic investment planning is completely hassle-free.

Why should I invest in SIP?

The biggest benefit of investing through SIPs is that you get the benefit of rupee-cost averaging. Many of us are worried whether we are investing at the right time. With SIPs, you can rest assured that you are investing at all levels of the market, high and low included.

Save a fixed amount every month, start investing them right from a young age and let the power of compounding work for you.
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Monday, 22 September 2014

As is always advisable, check out the top performing mutual funds in India before you start investing in them.

But before that, let us understand what mutual funds actually are, mutual funds are in the form of Trust (usually called Asset Management Company) that manages the pool of money collected from various investors for investment in various classes of assets to achieve certain financial goals. We can say that Mutual Fund is trusts which pool the savings of large number of investors and then reinvests those funds for earning profits and then distribute the dividend among the investors. In return for such services, Asset Management Companies charge small fees. Every Mutual Fund / launches different schemes, each with a specific objective. Investors who share the same objectives invests in that particular Scheme. Each Mutual Fund Scheme is managed by a Fund Manager with the help of his team of professionals (One Fund Manager may be managing more than one scheme also).

Their are so many Mutual Funds schemes in market and to check out top performing mutual fund in India you should choose the fund based on their performance ranking, scheme asset size, fund manager tenure and experience, total expenses ratio and ratio analysis. But to make it easier you can also contact investment service provider company, who have their own research agency for helping you to select best funds for you, based on market condition.
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Saturday, 20 September 2014

The number of ATMs in India has risen to 1.6 lakh. Seven years back, it was just over 27,000. With the rise in the number of ATMs, the cost to banks to maintain them has shown an upward trend too.

Taking into account the grievance of the banks regarding the cost of infrastructure, RBI has allowed the banks to limit the free withdrawals from other bank ATMs in 6 Indian metros to 3 (instead of the current 5) and from its own ATMs to 5 in a month. The six metros where this rule will be applicable are Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore and Hyderabad. Those who stay outside these 6 metros will not be affected by this latest decision. RBI has instructed the banks to limit the fees for those who exceed five transactions from their own bank’s ATMs to Rs. 20 per transaction plus applicable taxes.

The regulator, however, has clarified that this rule will not be applicable to those who have basic Savings Bank accounts or no-frills accounts. The banks still have the discretion to not charge those who exceed the minimum number of transactions per month, but it remains to be seen as to how many of them will do so.
Click here to read the entire report: http://bit.ly/1rR5DBs
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Banking technology has gone a step ahead. Don’t worry if you need to make an online money transfer to a person who doesn’t have a bank account. ICICI Bank’s new ‘Cardless Cash Withdrawal’ system, makes it possible for you to send money to anyone. Transfer money to their mobile number!

An account holder can initiate a money transfer online by divulging only the mobile number and address of the beneficiary. A 6-digit code is sent to the beneficiary’s mobile number, who can then go to any of the ICICI Bank’s ATMs to withdraw money. The catch though is that the beneficiary has to withdraw the money within 2 days.

Though only ICICI Bank has started this innovative payment system, one can expect all the scheduled banks to start offering this service soon. These fund transfer mechanisms will go a long way in our country where bank account penetration is still low.

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Friday, 19 September 2014

Are you looking to start investing your money in Mutual Funds, so that you can generate some profits; but you have no idea how to go about it? Then you have stumbled upon the prefect blog, by the way!

How to invest in mutual funds in India is an often asked question. Majorly everyone browse it online, to understand more about Mutual Funds. First and foremost thing you can do before investing in Mutual Funds is start understanding it. You can Start by looking up what mutual funds actually are. Mutual funds can be defined as trust that combines the savings of a number of investors who share a common financial goal. And anybody, even somebody with only a few hundred rupees to invest, can be a part of this. This collection is then invested by the fund manager in several different types and combination of securities, including shares, debentures and money market instruments.

Investment in mutual funds in India can be said to be an important part of anybody’s investment portfolio. This is because, market returns have the potential to perform way better as compared to assured return products, in the long term.

How to Choose best Mutual Fund in India: Their are so many Mutual Funds in market and you may like to invest your hard earned money into those funds who will going to perform well in longer run for descent returns. You should choose the fund based on their performance ranking, scheme asset size, fund manager tenure and experience, total expenses ratio and ratio analysis. But to make it easier you can also contact investment service provider company, who have their own research agency for helping you to select best funds for you, based on market condition.
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Thursday, 4 September 2014

As children, we confidently explore the world around us. We are inquisitive, curious and have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and experience. However, as we grow older, we begin to discover our personal limitations because as a child we tried a few things but could not succeed.

It’s like the story of the baby elephant that has a rope tied around his leg. Initially, the baby elephant tries to break free from it, but eventually he gives up and accepts that he cannot move beyond the range of the rope. Years later, when the elephant has grown into a two tonne adult that could easily break the rope, he doesn’t even try because he still holds the belief that he cannot break free.

Like the elephant, we often accept our limitations that we developed as children. We carry these beliefs with us for so long that we forget to challenge them in the light of the new strengths and capabilities we have developed as we grow in life.

Relying on our physical and mental strength, we should challenge the limiting beliefs and accept new goals and targets. Only then we can expect quantum jump in our career.

Napoleon Bonaparte once said: “Have you ever seen animal entering into the mouth of a sleeping lion?”

Success comes when we learn to challenge ourselves. Let us devote time to educate and show our children to challenge the mental limits of their brain. Today parents seem to be just financing the education of their children but not sacrificing their time to inculcate higher goal in life. Give them taller ambitions remarks Dr. Abdul Kalam (Former President of India).
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Wednesday, 3 September 2014


One of the most important thing in our lives is our family. Its our duty to protect them.To know how Financial security is required you must know your Human life value(HLV).

Your human Life value is 10-12 times of your spendings. So if you are the only earning member of your family with monthly income Rs. 50000 and monthly expenditure of Rs. 35,000. Then your HLV will come around Rs. 42-50 lacs. You can calculate your HLV here: http://bit.ly/1sYU5I7
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Tuesday, 2 September 2014

We all invest but we do not know when is the best time to start saving.
The below example is for Start Early and Save more.

Mohan started investing Rs. 5,000 per month at age of 30
and  Sohan started investing Rs. 5,000 per month at age of 40.
Mohan gets a Rs. 75 Lacs more than Sohan.
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Saturday, 30 August 2014

Make daily balance-sheet of your growth

For thousands of years people have been searching to find a way to accurately predict their future.

Some believe that the motion of the stars and planets influence our destinies. Others speculate that the lines on an individual’s palm contain a master plan of his/her life.

Unfortunately, none of these systems have a very high success rate.However, there is one way to predict your future with incredible accuracy.

The most effective technique for predicting your future does not involve creating a numerological chart. Instead it involves making daily ‘Balance Sheet’ of your time spent. Track your career growth on day to day basis.

‘Past’ and ‘Future’ are not under our control but ‘Present’ is completely at our command. Hence make use of the ‘Present’ to architect your desired ‘Future’. Future does not happen of its own, we have to work for it sincerely and with devotion.

Napolean Bonaparte once said “take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in.”

It takes only 15 minutes to write down as to how your time was spent (making daily balance-sheet or the Daily Progress Report) and whether things that you did will promote your career. Ask yourself how it affects your finances and you life.

Ask yourself every day whether you are growing according to your dream plan.

                                        A quitter never wins, and a winner never quits.

                                                            — Napoleon Hill
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The above illustration depicts how your spending and saving habits makes you Financially Independent/ Dependent.

Case One- spend first and save the rest lead to financial failure.

Case Two- Save and then spend leads to financial dependence.

Case Three- Save & invest and then spend leads to Financial Independence.

Hence it’s not just about saving but investing in correct options. So choose what you want to be in future.

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Friday, 29 August 2014

Benjamin Franklin recounts a tale of negligence – for want of just a nail, the horse-shoe was lost and later, in consequence, the horse, the rider, the battle and ultimately the kingdom too were lost.

Applied to all aspects of excellence, even the ‘minute details’ are of utmost importance. A sportsman should bestow same attention on his practice kit as much as he devote to his fitness. A singer should focus on caring for his throat as much as he focus on his knowledge of music.

In business as well many legal battles are lost because at the time of signing the business agreements the minute details were not properly read.

If more time is spent in paying attention to minute details, the less would be the total time and energy that would finally be needed for its execution. This will also save us needless agony and frustration.The reason why a person who pays attention to even small details is successful because such a person also has the capacity to bestow extra care to bigger issues.

Lawrence Bell, the American industrialist said aptly, “Show me a man who cannot properly do little things and I’ll show you that man cannot be trusted to do big things.”

In this regard, Swami Vivekananda has also said “You have to grow from the inside out. Nobody can teach you, none can make you perfect. There is no other teacher but your own soul. You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself.”
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Compounding is a disciplined investor's best friend. Through this technique an investor can reap greater returns. Compounding transforms your investments into an effective income-generating asset.

The basic premise behind this concept is that earnings from investments that are not spent but reinvested , over a period of time, can generate greater returns. Call us or email us to find out how we can help you.
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Thursday, 28 August 2014

If you're lucky, your parents taught you this skill and if not, then keep in mind that the sooner you learn the art of delaying gratification, the sooner you'll find it easy to keep your finances in order.

Credit cards will effortlessly allow you to purchase an item, the minute you want it, but it's better to wait until you've actually saved up. Do you really want to pay interest for the next few years just because you want the latest smartphone in the market? If you want to keep your credit cards for the convenience factor or the rewards they offer, make sure to always pay your balance in full when the bill arrives, and don't carry more cards than you can keep track of. Call us or email us to find out how we can help you.
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Wednesday, 27 August 2014

If you had food today, you are blessed because there are about 2 to 3 crores people in India who do not get proper food daily.

If your child is well nourished, you are blessed because 42% children in India are undernourished.

If you are roaming free today, you are blessed because there are 90 lakh people in India who are in jails.

If you don’t have any legal case against you, you are blessed because there are about 3 crores cases pending in various courts of India.

If you have some bank balance, you are blessed because 80% of the population just lives hand to mouth.

If you don’t have any serious disease, you are blessed because thereare 6 to 7 crore people in India who are suffering from various serious diseases.

If you can read and write, you are blessed because there are 66 crore people in India who cannot read or write.

If you are not lonely, you are blessed because there are around 3.5 crore people who don’t have any relative.

If you have a job, you are blessed because about 30 crore people in India are unemployed.

Every person should count his blessings every day, and thank God for what he has given to you.
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Friday, 22 August 2014

Albert Einstein once noted that the most powerful force in the universe was the principle of compounding. In investing, this manifests itself through something called compound interest. Put in its simplest terms, the phrase compound interest means that you begin to earn interest income on your interest income, resulting in your money growing at an ever-accelerating rate.

You can monitor the power of compounding with the duration of time you can leave your money to compound. The longer your money can remain uninterrupted, the bigger your fortune can grow. It's no different than planting a tree. Naturally, the tree is going to be larger when it is 50 years old than it was when it was 20 years old.

We are not telling you to hold all your investments for longer period of time as certain amount should be kept aside for achieving short term goals and meeting emergencies, but setting aside some part of your investments which you don't need immediately can be invested for longer period of time to witness the power of compounding.

As a beginner you need to plan your investments as per your goals & accordingly you can do your asset allocation. If you are unsure about how you can allocate your investments for short term & long term goals, then you may like to get connected to certified financial planners from our company who can advice you and can plan your investments based on your need analysis.
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Thursday, 14 August 2014

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Wednesday, 13 August 2014

When people talk in depth about wealth management services, I admit I feel quite at a loss as to what I can contribute. I have never really been all that good with finances and numbers and such. So I decided to find out something about these services that people are raving about and always recommending for ensuring satisfactory profits. And my research helped me realize that wealth management refers to the handling of all the assets of a person. This does not, necessarily, only include money, but all property, vehicles and other assets. Since most people are too busy these days to manage their wealth on their own, and that too in a profitable manner, these services are being provided by financial companies; hence the term ‘wealth management services’. These services can also be offered by independent financial advisers and multi-licensed portfolio managers who especially design services keeping in mind their clients.

These services comprise management of investment portfolios as well as other financial services, and I now realize why I was always advised to get somebody to manage my wealth. Your wealth manager would work with you, advising you on important investments, investing parts of your money into different vehicles, including mutual funds, fixed deposits, property and so on. Although, initially you might feel there is a risk in trusting your money with a stranger, but, rest assured, if you go to a reputed financial services company, you are sure to be handled with extreme care and caution.
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Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Have you ever wondered what a financial services company actually does? Well, we can tell you. A company providing financial services is engaged in money management on behalf of client, including investing, exchanging, holding the money as well as other monetary services. But that's not all as financial services companies also gives you advice on “how you can achieve your financial goals”? and helps you in choosing right investment options based on your financial goals.

A money-management system is nothing more than a systematic way to control risk. It basically entails three components. First, you should institute some sort of rule about position sizes so that you can control risk by diversification. Second, make a rule that cuts your losses in the event a trade doesn't go according to plan. Third, forge a strategy for harvesting profits so you can enjoy the fruit of your labor. But its not as simple as it sounds, as at the end you will find yourself in a cluster. That's why you need help from financial services companies on your saving and investments.

These companies are always faced with sharp risk, since market conditions can never be stable for long, but they profess to do their best for their clients. Customer expectations are growing, and the need for more creativity and new types of products, which are also more complex, are also leading to higher levels of risk. But, at the same time, government regulations are also being tightened for increasing accountability and transparency. And in these challenging times, a financial services company that might emerge as winner is likely to be the one that builds stronger customer relationships, utilize better risk management tools and provide more sustainable returns to their clients.

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Thursday, 7 August 2014

Money doesn't grow on trees. True. But it doesn't grow in the savings account either. The interest rate that you earn on your savings account doesn't even beat inflation, forget about creating the wealth. Comparatively, the interest rates have gone subliminally down. It pays on an average between 3 to 4 percent now which is far below the average 8 percent rate of inflation. So if you still think banks are the best place for your money, think again.

Call Bajaj Capital to find out how to maximize your savings and create wealth. After all, a penny saved is penny saved.
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Wednesday, 6 August 2014


Investing in buying home is a wonderful thing. In fact, property as an asset class has far outnumbered the other classes in terms of appreciation. That we all know. What we need to know is that the home we live in is not a investment. Why? Ok here's the reason. It's merely a place to live, and going by that way would mean it's an expense. You pay property tax, maintenance or even a housing loan. Its not a handy cash which is liquid-able unless you plan to sell it. Practically, you haven't earned from it. It is advisable therefore to weigh the cost of debt with the rate of return earned on that money you  used in buying home, if you’d it invested elsewhere or aim to have one more home that promises a good rental value.

Call Bajaj Capital to benefit from our experience. After all, we have spent 50 years in accumulating wealth for our investors. To explore how we may be able to help you Call 1800 3000 6000 or email us at info@bajajcapital.com.
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It is said deep roots make the strongest trees. Bajaj Capital is India's premier Investment Services Company with nearly 50 years of experience in helping people protect and grow their wealth. We have a proven record of success in offering a personalized investment services and products that has created wealth for millions of people across India. But it’s our deep personal relationships with clients that truly sets us apart.The markets may fluctuate, but our dependability never does.

We invite you to contact us to see how we might be able to meet your investment needs. To join hands together on this remarkable journey to the world of Investments Call 1800 3000 6000 or Email at info@bajajcapital.com
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