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Saturday, 30 August 2014

Make daily balance-sheet of your growth

For thousands of years people have been searching to find a way to accurately predict their future.

Some believe that the motion of the stars and planets influence our destinies. Others speculate that the lines on an individual’s palm contain a master plan of his/her life.

Unfortunately, none of these systems have a very high success rate.However, there is one way to predict your future with incredible accuracy.

The most effective technique for predicting your future does not involve creating a numerological chart. Instead it involves making daily ‘Balance Sheet’ of your time spent. Track your career growth on day to day basis.

‘Past’ and ‘Future’ are not under our control but ‘Present’ is completely at our command. Hence make use of the ‘Present’ to architect your desired ‘Future’. Future does not happen of its own, we have to work for it sincerely and with devotion.

Napolean Bonaparte once said “take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in.”

It takes only 15 minutes to write down as to how your time was spent (making daily balance-sheet or the Daily Progress Report) and whether things that you did will promote your career. Ask yourself how it affects your finances and you life.

Ask yourself every day whether you are growing according to your dream plan.

                                        A quitter never wins, and a winner never quits.

                                                            — Napoleon Hill
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The above illustration depicts how your spending and saving habits makes you Financially Independent/ Dependent.

Case One- spend first and save the rest lead to financial failure.

Case Two- Save and then spend leads to financial dependence.

Case Three- Save & invest and then spend leads to Financial Independence.

Hence it’s not just about saving but investing in correct options. So choose what you want to be in future.

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Friday, 29 August 2014

Benjamin Franklin recounts a tale of negligence – for want of just a nail, the horse-shoe was lost and later, in consequence, the horse, the rider, the battle and ultimately the kingdom too were lost.

Applied to all aspects of excellence, even the ‘minute details’ are of utmost importance. A sportsman should bestow same attention on his practice kit as much as he devote to his fitness. A singer should focus on caring for his throat as much as he focus on his knowledge of music.

In business as well many legal battles are lost because at the time of signing the business agreements the minute details were not properly read.

If more time is spent in paying attention to minute details, the less would be the total time and energy that would finally be needed for its execution. This will also save us needless agony and frustration.The reason why a person who pays attention to even small details is successful because such a person also has the capacity to bestow extra care to bigger issues.

Lawrence Bell, the American industrialist said aptly, “Show me a man who cannot properly do little things and I’ll show you that man cannot be trusted to do big things.”

In this regard, Swami Vivekananda has also said “You have to grow from the inside out. Nobody can teach you, none can make you perfect. There is no other teacher but your own soul. You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself.”
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Compounding is a disciplined investor's best friend. Through this technique an investor can reap greater returns. Compounding transforms your investments into an effective income-generating asset.

The basic premise behind this concept is that earnings from investments that are not spent but reinvested , over a period of time, can generate greater returns. Call us or email us to find out how we can help you.
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Thursday, 28 August 2014

If you're lucky, your parents taught you this skill and if not, then keep in mind that the sooner you learn the art of delaying gratification, the sooner you'll find it easy to keep your finances in order.

Credit cards will effortlessly allow you to purchase an item, the minute you want it, but it's better to wait until you've actually saved up. Do you really want to pay interest for the next few years just because you want the latest smartphone in the market? If you want to keep your credit cards for the convenience factor or the rewards they offer, make sure to always pay your balance in full when the bill arrives, and don't carry more cards than you can keep track of. Call us or email us to find out how we can help you.
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Wednesday, 27 August 2014

If you had food today, you are blessed because there are about 2 to 3 crores people in India who do not get proper food daily.

If your child is well nourished, you are blessed because 42% children in India are undernourished.

If you are roaming free today, you are blessed because there are 90 lakh people in India who are in jails.

If you don’t have any legal case against you, you are blessed because there are about 3 crores cases pending in various courts of India.

If you have some bank balance, you are blessed because 80% of the population just lives hand to mouth.

If you don’t have any serious disease, you are blessed because thereare 6 to 7 crore people in India who are suffering from various serious diseases.

If you can read and write, you are blessed because there are 66 crore people in India who cannot read or write.

If you are not lonely, you are blessed because there are around 3.5 crore people who don’t have any relative.

If you have a job, you are blessed because about 30 crore people in India are unemployed.

Every person should count his blessings every day, and thank God for what he has given to you.
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Friday, 22 August 2014

Albert Einstein once noted that the most powerful force in the universe was the principle of compounding. In investing, this manifests itself through something called compound interest. Put in its simplest terms, the phrase compound interest means that you begin to earn interest income on your interest income, resulting in your money growing at an ever-accelerating rate.

You can monitor the power of compounding with the duration of time you can leave your money to compound. The longer your money can remain uninterrupted, the bigger your fortune can grow. It's no different than planting a tree. Naturally, the tree is going to be larger when it is 50 years old than it was when it was 20 years old.

We are not telling you to hold all your investments for longer period of time as certain amount should be kept aside for achieving short term goals and meeting emergencies, but setting aside some part of your investments which you don't need immediately can be invested for longer period of time to witness the power of compounding.

As a beginner you need to plan your investments as per your goals & accordingly you can do your asset allocation. If you are unsure about how you can allocate your investments for short term & long term goals, then you may like to get connected to certified financial planners from our company who can advice you and can plan your investments based on your need analysis.
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Thursday, 14 August 2014

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Wednesday, 13 August 2014

When people talk in depth about wealth management services, I admit I feel quite at a loss as to what I can contribute. I have never really been all that good with finances and numbers and such. So I decided to find out something about these services that people are raving about and always recommending for ensuring satisfactory profits. And my research helped me realize that wealth management refers to the handling of all the assets of a person. This does not, necessarily, only include money, but all property, vehicles and other assets. Since most people are too busy these days to manage their wealth on their own, and that too in a profitable manner, these services are being provided by financial companies; hence the term ‘wealth management services’. These services can also be offered by independent financial advisers and multi-licensed portfolio managers who especially design services keeping in mind their clients.

These services comprise management of investment portfolios as well as other financial services, and I now realize why I was always advised to get somebody to manage my wealth. Your wealth manager would work with you, advising you on important investments, investing parts of your money into different vehicles, including mutual funds, fixed deposits, property and so on. Although, initially you might feel there is a risk in trusting your money with a stranger, but, rest assured, if you go to a reputed financial services company, you are sure to be handled with extreme care and caution.
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Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Have you ever wondered what a financial services company actually does? Well, we can tell you. A company providing financial services is engaged in money management on behalf of client, including investing, exchanging, holding the money as well as other monetary services. But that's not all as financial services companies also gives you advice on “how you can achieve your financial goals”? and helps you in choosing right investment options based on your financial goals.

A money-management system is nothing more than a systematic way to control risk. It basically entails three components. First, you should institute some sort of rule about position sizes so that you can control risk by diversification. Second, make a rule that cuts your losses in the event a trade doesn't go according to plan. Third, forge a strategy for harvesting profits so you can enjoy the fruit of your labor. But its not as simple as it sounds, as at the end you will find yourself in a cluster. That's why you need help from financial services companies on your saving and investments.

These companies are always faced with sharp risk, since market conditions can never be stable for long, but they profess to do their best for their clients. Customer expectations are growing, and the need for more creativity and new types of products, which are also more complex, are also leading to higher levels of risk. But, at the same time, government regulations are also being tightened for increasing accountability and transparency. And in these challenging times, a financial services company that might emerge as winner is likely to be the one that builds stronger customer relationships, utilize better risk management tools and provide more sustainable returns to their clients.

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Thursday, 7 August 2014

Money doesn't grow on trees. True. But it doesn't grow in the savings account either. The interest rate that you earn on your savings account doesn't even beat inflation, forget about creating the wealth. Comparatively, the interest rates have gone subliminally down. It pays on an average between 3 to 4 percent now which is far below the average 8 percent rate of inflation. So if you still think banks are the best place for your money, think again.

Call Bajaj Capital to find out how to maximize your savings and create wealth. After all, a penny saved is penny saved.
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Wednesday, 6 August 2014


Investing in buying home is a wonderful thing. In fact, property as an asset class has far outnumbered the other classes in terms of appreciation. That we all know. What we need to know is that the home we live in is not a investment. Why? Ok here's the reason. It's merely a place to live, and going by that way would mean it's an expense. You pay property tax, maintenance or even a housing loan. Its not a handy cash which is liquid-able unless you plan to sell it. Practically, you haven't earned from it. It is advisable therefore to weigh the cost of debt with the rate of return earned on that money you  used in buying home, if you’d it invested elsewhere or aim to have one more home that promises a good rental value.

Call Bajaj Capital to benefit from our experience. After all, we have spent 50 years in accumulating wealth for our investors. To explore how we may be able to help you Call 1800 3000 6000 or email us at info@bajajcapital.com.
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It is said deep roots make the strongest trees. Bajaj Capital is India's premier Investment Services Company with nearly 50 years of experience in helping people protect and grow their wealth. We have a proven record of success in offering a personalized investment services and products that has created wealth for millions of people across India. But it’s our deep personal relationships with clients that truly sets us apart.The markets may fluctuate, but our dependability never does.

We invite you to contact us to see how we might be able to meet your investment needs. To join hands together on this remarkable journey to the world of Investments Call 1800 3000 6000 or Email at info@bajajcapital.com
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Tuesday, 5 August 2014

There were 12 price hikes in fuel since last January in 2013 with fall in Rupee value and increase in production costs. There was19 percent increase in potato prices that pushed up food inflation to 9.50 percent from 8.64 percent in April this year. Inflation rate recorded in June 2014 stands at 7.31% and the average inflation rate between 2012 and 2014 comes to 9.54% which is more than double the average interest rate that most of us get on our savings account.

Consider this. The cost of doing an MBA program from an Indian B-School costs Rs. 10-15 lacs now, which would cost somewhere Rs. 35-40 lacs after 20 years at 8% inflation. Similarly, cost of buying home has nearly doubled in last 3 years. Even gold as an asset class, outnumbered the inflation rate.  And very recently equity mutual funds that were deemed unattractive jumped to 25K mark in June this year making India the best performing equity market in Asia-Pacific for 2014 in dollar terms.

It time to find out how prepared you are to meet the inflation challenge. Only right planning can help you overcome that. Call 1800 3000 6000 or write to us at info@bajajcapital.com.
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Monday, 4 August 2014

Want to make sure your future is taken care of? Our proprietary tool 360 degree financial assessment can help you just do that. So that funds for things like your child’s marriage and education, or your own retirement are available when the need arises. It takes an all round view of your investments and tells you exactly how you can achieve your life goals within your means. The best part is that its completely customized for you to work best in your interest. 

As India’s premier investment services company our tool has been valued by over 3.5 lakh clients. We’d like you to benefit from it. Call 1800 3000 6000 or write at info@bajajcapital.com to know how we can help you create wealth for yourself, and help you ensure a secured future.

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Finding the best way to maximize the returns on your hard earned money
is a pain. Most banks pay you an average interest rate of 3-4% on your
Savings Account.
That's far below the prevailing inflation rate. Even depositing money in
Recurring Deposits and Bank Fixed Deposits doesn't help much either.
They simply do not provide tax efficient returns or help beat the
inflation. Selected companies fixed deposits pay up to 13.32% returns that are rated AAA/AA+ who doesn’t just beat inflation but also maximizes your savings. Invest in the products that have better financial potential. Why settle for less when you can demand more.
Call 1800 3000 6000 or email at info@bajajcapital.com to know more.

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Saturday, 2 August 2014

As far as responsible people like you who believes in savings for rainy days, gratuity can be considered as long term saving which can only be utilized after you resign from the company which comes under the Payment of Gratuity Act,1971 after serving them for five or more years.Although gratuity can be claimed even before completion of 5 years in case of death or disablement.

Computation of gratuity can be done on your own or it can be done through gratuity calculator available on our website, As far computation you should understand that your service period will be rounded off to a year. So if the actual figure is 14 years and 7 months, it will be considered as 15 years.The gratuity received under the Act is tax-free to the extent that it does not exceed 15 days’ salary for every completed year of service. This is subject to a maximum of Rs 3.5 lacs. This tax-free ceiling applies to the aggregate of gratuity received from one or more employers in the same year or during different years.

As far as calculating gratuity online, which has now become easier then any other mode, all you need to input your basic salary, your total salary, total number of years you have worked for the company into the calculator and your gratuity calculation is done.

As Benjamin Franklin said “A penny saved is a penny earned”. Generally gratuity comes in lump-sum amount, and to accumulate this amount people can re-invest it to achieve their long term goals. There are multiple options available in market which is suitable for lump-sum amount investments like – fixed deposits,mutual funds etc.
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Friday, 1 August 2014

People frequently consume their time preparing for a holiday or buying a new car than planning for their financial future. Then, when they finally decide it’s time to put their financial house in order, they don’t know where to start. Even they start saving either they don't get good returns or they don't understand the complexity of it.

Wealth Management can be a complex procedure that requires professional knowledge and expertise. The advice of a qualified and experienced financial planner will help ensure you have the best chance of achieving your short and long term financial planning and life goals. It is port-folio manager's responsibility to plan your investment strategy that attempts to balance risk versus reward by adjusting the percentage of each asset in an investment portfolio according to your risk tolerance, goals and investment time frame.

A wealth manager or an Investment Services provider can provide you various forms of services which you may not be able to execute on your own. Like money management, portfolio management, retirement planning and many more.

As a beginner you can start with money management services, which is the first step for any investor to ascertain the amount of money he has at his disposal for investing and the various financial options available to maximize returns and tax rebates and minimize risks.
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