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Monday, 28 September 2015

What all can you do with your money

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If you are the scion of an Arab Sheikh, you won’t be reading this. But you are not. Which means that you don’t have a seemingly endless supply of money to your bank account. Therefore, you must be very careful with what you do with that money.

Spend it on a holiday, sure. Buy luxury items, why not?

And what happens to your medical bills? What about your retirement?

Well, now that you’ve come back to earth, how should you be investing in your future needs?

First off, you need to approach a Financial Services Company. There, you will be financially assessed, based on your income potential and likely expenses. Once you visit a Financial Services Company, nearly all your financial needs and goals will be met; they do offer those many options.

In broad headings, this is what you get under the umbrella of Financial Services in India:

Investment Advisory --  They do the thinking about what is the best investment for you
Insurance -- Life or general insurance, pick from offerings of multiple insurers
Mutual funds -- High-returns or safe investments, you get to choose the mutual fund that suits your style

Apart from these, you can also trade in the stock markets, have your entire investment portfolio managed, finance your loans or service your debt. Just a small fee and your money woes are forgotten. Not a Sheikh, but you’ll be rich enough, soon.

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