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Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Add value to your retirement life?

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Which vehicle are you planning to board for your golden years, deferred annuity or retirement plan? The question takes you to the land of confusion.  The common impression is that Retirement plans are being offered by only life insurance companies. But National Pension Scheme India came to our rescue on May 1, 2009 inviting all citizens of India between the age of 18 and 55 on voluntary basis. Government employees are not the only beneficiary of this scheme but individuals too can enjoy its benefit.

Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) has taken the charge to make it more attractive by reviewing and reforming (if needed) investment guidelines and introducing more schemes and plans for the individuals.

How to invest in National Pension Scheme India?

Investing in the National Pension Scheme is not a tedious task. All it takes is to approach an approved Point of Presence (POP) service provider. The PFRDA has authorized many banks, financial organizations and the Department of Posts to act as POP. A subscriber is required to make his/her contribution with just Rs. 500 (for Tier I) and Rs. 1,000 (for Tier II). The highly transparent and cost effective schemes and simple to operate rules make National Pension Scheme India more alluring for the man on the street.

What are you waiting for? Your route to golden years can be easily initiated by just making a walk in to the nearest POP of National Pension Scheme.

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