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Tuesday, 7 April 2015

What premium will you have to pay

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To insure your life for fixed time duration, you need to buy yourself a Term Insurance Policy.

But what will be the premium that you must pay? That is the problem which will leave you scratching your head. There are many insurance providers out there, and numerous schemes that each of them offers. How to compare all those products?

Let’s not tackle this problem from the wrong end. Rather than look at a large variety of products and confuse yourself, try to figure out what your needs are. This is where a Term Insurance Premium Calculator comes in handy. It helps you to define what you want, and then tells you how much you will have to pay for your Term Insurance Premium. Now you don’t need to search for an Accountant or Maths Professor to help you out.

Term Insurance Premium Calculator is a simple online form. It asks you a series of easy questions. Your answers to them are used to calculate the premium that you will have to pay.

Firstly, it asks for your age and sex. The older you are, the higher your premium. And the premium value also changes depending upon whether you are male or female. Then it asks for your Annual income. This helps it decide how much premium you can afford. Smokers have to pay a higher premium than non-smokers. You fill this column, and enter your personal details. Viola! Your Term Insurance Premium is calculated in the blink of an eye.

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