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Monday, 10 August 2015

Reach your goals, one step at a time

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There are two kinds of people in this world: Those who have dreams, and those who have goals. Dreams seldom come true. Goals, if properly planned for, are always attainable. You are working not just for your present welfare, but to secure your future too. If you do not measure your expenditure and savings today, you will be forced to live an austere life in old age. So, be sensible in how much you save and how you invest.

But is there a method to calculate the necessary savings and find the best investments? Yes, there is. It’s called Financial Assessment.

Financial Assessment in India is carried out by Financial Services companies, mostly. But, any qualified finance professional can easily chart up your financial history, your future goals and give you the options of financial decisions that you need to make.

Technically speaking, what financial assessment entails is:

• Cash Flow Management: Managing your cash requirements for your fixed and variable expenses in such a way that you   save regularly.

• Investment Analysis: Discovering the investment avenues which maximize your returns while minimizing tax outgo.

• Future Planning: Your savings, investments and expenditures shall be rationalized according to your future goals - house, vehicle, retirement plans etc.

Remember the story of the grasshopper that did not plan for winters, making merry in summers while the ant toiled? Be the ant. You’ll be happier in old age. Get a financial assessment done.

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