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Thursday, 20 August 2015

The road to riches - fiscal discipline

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When you want to make money, your approach to your finances has to be disciplined. If you run after get-rich-quick schemes, then the odds are that you will get poorer than if you hadn’t bothered to invest at all. So, is there a process to fiscal discipline? Yes, there is. Wealth Management Services in India can help you imbibe this easily.

Just answer these three questions before you think of investing:

How much can you invest: What is the extra cash in hand once all your needs and liabilities are met? How much risk can you afford to take on this sum?

• Where should you invest: What are your financial goals? What kind of assets would you invest in? There are multiple product categories of each asset. Then, there are choices of different investment options. Figure out the choice that suits you the most.

• What are the taxes and exemptions: What use is a good investment if the gains are all given away in taxes? Read the documents carefully to see what exemptions you can avail of by investing in that product.

Fiscal Discipline is nothing but this three-step process, followed by constant monitoring and review of the performance of your investments. However, if you are too busy to devote time to this process then contact any of the companies that offer wealth management services in India. They will follow the process to ensure that your finances are always in good shape. They do the investing; you do the money-counting.

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